"Yes what are called dinosaurs did exist as bones reveal."
It's nice to see your denial of reality isn't yet complete.
"They were a part of the unclean dominance that ruled the preflood world as hinted at by Genesis."
And you know this how? I mean other than just making shit up because you think it sounds good.
"i don't know if they should be called lizards at all as these reptile/mammal terms I find incomplete in classifying creatures."
Mostly due to the fact that you seem a little fuzzy on what makes a mammal a mammal and what makes a reptile a reptile.
"Indeed its possible that dinos are just regular creatures with a few twists."
Dinosaurs are dinosaurs. What you mean by "regular creatures with a few twists" is beyond me.
"I know marsupials and placentals types are the same kinds as they look and marsupialism is a minor adaption to a area or some need."
Look, for the millionth fucking time, marsupials and placentals are not the same in any biologically sound way. Your "kind" bullshit based on them having superficially similar appearances is utter, complete and total stupidity of the highest grade.
"So perhaps dinos are also just regular animals with some adaption."
Define "regular animal" for me. Otherwise I don't have a clue what you're going on about.
"Triceratops could be in the rhino kind and I know they say there were dinos very much like dogs."
I guess Jackson's three-horned chameleon is also just a "rhino kind" since it too has horns. Three in fact, just like the triceratops.
I'd be very interested if you could point me in the direction of the moron who said triceratops were "very much like dogs" given than triceratops were about 30 feet in length, 10 feet tall and weighed about 12 tons. Not to mention being herbivores.
"Of coarse the famous reptile-mammalish creatures even evolution talks about. Don't premise animals on manmade classification models."
I see you're English is as fluent as ever.