T = people do speak in tounges (read: talk in languages that they don't know) and interpret them (read: understand languages they don't know)
G = the Christian God exists
T -> G
~G -> ~T
Because T, therefore G.
The symbolic logic is sound, but it uses a false premise. It's about as sound as "Because the ancient Greeks sacrificed to Zeus, Zeus exists."
Sounds like this kid is just a freshman in high school who's just learned sy mbolic logic for the first time.
Thank God (excuse the phrase). I thought this was going to be JohnR7 talking about genetics and language...
You too? Not that this is any kind of improvement.
T = Tails speaks in something that sounds like English but apparently bears no actual resemblance to the language
G = Goats have tails, and have been known to make sounds that are similar to speech
Therefor... um... Tails is a goat? Seems at least as logical as this speaking-in-tongues thing.
ED: Sandman, no need for apologies, I think he'd approve.
FIRST: There has never been a single, documented, verified case of anyone, EVER, speaking coherently in a language they do not know. (Unless you count Hollywood.)
SECOND: "Glossiana," the act of "speaking in tongues" you are talking about, is a meaningless string of gibberish words that no one understands, not even the person doing it.
THIRD: In the Book of Acts, "speaking in tongues" is described as the ability to be prefectly understood in whatever language the listener understands, simultaneously with other listeners in their own languages. That is truly a miracle. Why would God change his miracle to a kind of fundie perfomance art without meaning or message?
FOURTH: Even if a verified account of true speaking in tongues did occur, how is that proof that the Christian god is responsible...? Couldn't it be argued that it proves the existence of Zeus, or Shiva, or maybe any of a million Hindu gods? What will you do if this hypothetical true event occurs, and the "prophet" beings to extoll the virtues of the Flying Shaghetti Monster...? Will you convert since this is aparently the one condition for the verification of a deity?
FIFTH: With apolgies to Douglas.
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"Ah, but speaking in tongues proves you exist," says SuperTails92, " so therefore you don't."
"Oh dear, says God, "I hadn't thought of that." And promplty vanishes in a puff of logic.
....let's hope SuperTails goes looking for a zebra crossing.
Gamefaqs? How the hell does this have anything to do with gamefaqs? And seriously, what??? How can you understand a language you don't know? And how the hell does that prove God exists?
A = You are an asshole
N = The Christian God does not exist
A -> N
~N -> ~A
Because you are an asshole, therefore the Christian God does not exist.
Uh, Just some guy....Ruler of Omicron Persei 8 said: "Why is it that anytime a fundie says 'therefore' it actually turns out to be a non-sequitor?"
Apparantly that is the universal segue from talking out one's ass to inane bullshit.
What's with all the imaginary equations lately? Do they think confusing and baseless is the same as smart?
1) "Speaking in tongues" does not mean speaking apparent gibberish. It means speaking so that *ALL* heard in their native language. (At least, if the story of Pentecost in the Bible - Acts 2, if I remember correctly - is to be taken as accurate.)
2) You have not justified that T -> G (there is also the possibility of a different God's existence, an epilieptic seizure, a bout of Tourette's, all sorts of other medical conditions, or total fakery).
3) You have not shown that T happens.
Three strikes. You're out.
<<< Thank God (excuse the phrase). I thought this was going to be JohnR7 talking about genetics and language... >>>
So did I at first.
'Speaking in Tongues'?! Well, considering how you fundies are literalists and all, unless you're all Xenomorphs with a larynx down the second trachea leading from that tongue (with it's own set of teeth), then you're just talking a load of bollocks, SuperFAILs(IQ)9.2 [/smartarse]
...and no doubt the designer of said Xenomorphs in the "Alien" films, and pioneer of Biomechanical Art H.R. Giger, has thought of talking testicles too! >:D
The cause of speaking in tongues (T) are one of the following:
a) A brain seizure
b) Deceit
Therefore, T does not prove G.
I know, I did that too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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