There are 40,000 Americans trapped in the atheistic U.K. right now who desperately need a break from the liberal censorship over there. They are like being stranded in the desert without any water.
1. The UK is not atheistic. They just don't talk about religion in public nearly as much as Americans do.
2. Liberals, for the most part, aren't fond of censorship. People who burn/ban books tend to be right-wing.
I tried to click on the link to Conservapedia, but the UK government's liberal censorship just kept redirecting me to a site which kept trying to indoctrinate me with evolutionary theory through the medium of gay porn. In fact, all newspapers, television shows and all internet content is filtered in similar ways.
And of course the UK is completely atheistic. We pushed all those bishops who sat in Parliament into the Thames years back, didn't you know? And the Queen is no longer the head of the Anglican Church, because we burnt down all the Anglican churches. And all the other places of worship. We've had to start a new religion around Doctor Who.
Oh no, wait. None of that happened. Carry on.
We... we're atheistic?
That must come as a shock to the Queen, head of the Church of England. For crying out loud, our head of state is also head of our own personal brand of state-run Christianity. Most of our laws are still based around the ideas of Christianity. Its difficult to see how we could be less atheistic.
Of course, most of us Brits tend to treat religion as more a hobby than a lifestyle. But that's just because we're more mature about the whole thing. :P
And we rarely censor anything. If we did, UKIP and the BNP wouldn't have just released a party political broadcast each.
But maybe the bit about Doctor Who should have happened...
Edit: Beaten to the punch. Oh well....
Double edit @ Katsuro: Sadly, no. Our friends at RationalWiki have documented his case. He's the son of a relatively well known conservative commentator, and though he himself hasn't entered the public eye beyond CP, there's enough out there about him to confirm that he is 100% serious. You might take solace in the idea that if something is posted here from CP that's not Schlafly himself, it might be a parodist.
Muh hah hah hah haaaaah! Mr Schlafly is right, we plan to educate them in our secret facilities. We've taught apes advanced calculus so getting some Americans to understand year 1 (5 years old) logic should be possible! Soon you'll be over run with right minded, free thinking, tolerant... ah what the hell, there's an election debate on the telly tonight, I can't be arsed, sent 'em back!
"They are like being (sic) stranded in the desert without any water."
They love that. It makes them feel more biblical and have a greater empathy with the ancient desert dwelling nutcases who came up with all the mad nonsense.
@Rumpshaker Slim:
Chill Andy. It's only until the volcanic cloud dissipates. If it means that much to you, you could charter a cruise ship to bring 'em back. If you're lucky maybe they'll bring some of that hard core British porn back with them.
PS to my British friends: your porn sucks. You seriously need help in the adult entertainment business.
"I really like how Andy is trying to paint the UK to look like some kind of a hellhole. Perhaps he thinks that every city in the UK is Glasgow."
So speaks the voice of ignorance. Glasgow is in no way, shape or form a "hellhole". If you knew anything about Glasgow you'd know it was one of the most friendly, open, liberal and progressive cities there is. The only place in the UK with more shops, restaurants, clubs and bars is London and it's more than 20 times the size. It does, however, lack the gun crime that characterises that and other English cities. What it does suffer from is deprivation, a direct result of decades of wilful neglect by successive Westmidden governments.
Glasgow is a beautiful place and a wonderful place to live and study - it's not called the Dear Green Place for nothing. Don't fall for the old "No Mean City" stereotype - that's a downright, offensive, lie.
Liberal censorship in an atheist nation?
Funny, I was just reading earlier today about an election debate taking place in a church where the National Front will have a representative taking part.
Of all the places on earth to pick on as godless, the UK isn't one of them. Their head of state is also the head of the Church of England. They are a Christian state whereas the USA are not. Read your fucking Constitution, oh, wait, it was written by them libruls.
Just thought I'd add this atheistic building. I used to go past it on the way to the pub in my uni days.
Edit: Came out a bit bigger than I expected. Makes sense I suppose, it's a big building.
I just read your bullshit and it wasn't censored at all.
It was shite, but I had no restrictions placed on it.
PS. Stay the fuck over there.
"What fucking drugs have YOU been taking again, Andy? "
I think the problem is that he is NOT taking certain drugs.
Last time I checked, there are planes going from UK to US every day, probably every hour. How are they trapped? In what way are they being censored? (The ash plumes are not really an issue anymore.)
They had a political debate in the UK the other day, I saw excerpts on TV this morning. The Conservative dude pulled it off best, according to the News reporter. The Liberal dude came third in the "race", I think, with the Labour guy (current Prime Minister) in the middle.
As they have a Labour government right now, it's probably a Labour censorship, if there is one at all.
What about your labor party, Andy? What about all labor people in the US. They are truly trapped and censored (remember McCarthy), and have been stranded for a very long time in the desert. When you start rectifying that, we'll cry with you for the poor trapped Americans in the UK.
The countries who actually have a left wing see the US as a country with only a right-wing and an ultra-right-wing. Picture that, Andy dear.
I thought the UK actually had a state church, and is thus MORE formally Christian than the US.
Oh no, sorry, that was just England. Neither Scotland nor Wales have a state church.
Am joining many on this board w/ joyful worship of 'The Oncoming Storm'.
*puts on my Doctor costume: waistcoat, lacy ruff, beaten up leather jacket, long coat, bow-tie, various question marks, extra-long colourful scarf & a celery stalk. Grabs sonic screwdriver. K-9 and a banana.*
Dances around altar.*
Yes, 'atheistic'. It's not like we don't have a state religion or anything... OH WAIT.
This guy needs to learn the difference between secular and atheistic. Not all religious people are nutjob fundimentalists.
And yet on the UK's Conservapedia page, you're happy to quote the last census that states that 60% (or whatever) of the population is Christian, without the caveat that hardly any of them attend church and it's likely most just put that as they consider themselves culturally Christian.
I spent a year living in Southeast London, down the street from a Seventh Day Adventist church on one side and a Caribbean Baptist church on the other. If Schafly did that, he might have cause to rethink the phrase "atheistic UK".
And as for "liberal censorship," it was thanks to those two churches that I began to build my collection of Chick Tracts, which their members kept leaving in the local takeaways.
So all those Americans here in the UK have no access to Fux News, nor Rush Limburger? One Word:
Yes, a government body here that ensures news on both TV and radio is unbiased and free from 'opinions' and personal editorial agendas.
Forced neutrality.
So all the Americans living here can't be exposed to right-wing poison, Andy Schaftafly? Boo hoo; too bad, so sad. Live with it.
What do you think of Matt Smith as the new Doctor? Geek chic, with a touch of student geography teacher, image-wise.
"This coming from the man who bans people who question Der Führer Schlafly and his policies. Projecting much?"
Andy Schaftafly = Kimmo Johan Alm. Both run sites that are basically a crusty old sock used for personally cracking one off in, in HTML form. Just throwing that one out there.
Glasgow is a place of great variety. In one part life expectancy is only 56 whereas it is 26 years higher just 8 miles away. The problems of poverty have not been the fault of Westminster - before N Sea oil Scotland was heavily subsidised by England, and in fact most of the oil if partitioned by usual conventions would actually have been in English waters and hence arguably it still does after. Ironically oneof the problems Glasgow has is religious conflicy between Catholics and Protestants,as in N Ireland.
"PS to my British friends: your porn sucks. You seriously need help in the adult entertainment business."
Couldn't agree with you more. And now you know why downloadable Hentai exists.
PS to the likes of Hanna-Barbera, Warner Bros, Disney (except Pixar) etc: Your animation sucks. You seriously need mecha, magical girls, gory violence, and fanservice in your animation.
Ever wonder why Stan Lee has approached Japan (specifically the anime company 'BONES') to create his newest animated work: "Heroman"? I suspect this may not be the last collaboration between Lee's own company 'POW' and Japan's anime industry, neither. Excelsior!
Ah, Andy. The man who uses words whose meaning he has no grasp of, but who wants to rewrite the fucking bible. That could be fun.
The Archbishop of Canterbury is just a bloke in a funny costume sent to amuse the tourists, while Westminster Abbey is actually a strip joint pretending to be a church.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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