Prove there is not a God. Hey, we win. You can't prove there is not a God, because there is one.
Alright, I'm game. We have proven that God, as he's portrayed in Christianity, doesn't exist. Hey, we win. You can't prove we haven't, because we have. So there.
Logical fallacy. You don't prove a negative, yuou prove a positive. That's why the burden of proof is on the prosecution in our courts. It's nearly impossible to prove you didn't do something, even with an alibi, so the prosecution has to show beyond a reasonable doubt the defendant did commit the crime. Cam you show beyond a reasonable doubt that God does exist? Would it stand up in a court of law, by American standards? I didn't think so.
Prove there is not an Invisible Pink Unicorn. Hey, we win. You can't prove there is not an Invisible Pink Unicorn, because there is one.
But the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a myth.
God can't exist because by definition (with its contradictory properties) it implodes upon itself.
However, if you were brave enough to actually define this god, I'm sure I could show how your definition is untrue, and thus proving your delusion is just that.
I am God. Hear me:
Thursday is the new Sabbath. Obey lest ye die.
I cannot be more clear. Now. Watch. Some inane Sunday preacher will translate my proclaimation to Greek or Hebrew or something, and claim it means something totally different than what I said.
Prove there isnt a Zeus. Hey, we're fucked. You cant prove there is not a Zeus, because there is one.
Now you have to choose which one is the "truest" god or forfeit your eternity.
Prove that there is no Flying Spaghetti Monster, or no Invisible Pink Unicorn. You can't prove that they don't exist,because it is impossible to prove the non-existence of anything that you can imagine.
Burden of proof, motherfucker!
[You can't prove there is not a God, because there is one. ]
Okay, now which god are you talking about?
Well, if we only need to observe the fundy burden of proof, it's easy to prove their God doesn't exist. Observe...
"God! Yeah you, Yahweh! I curse you. I curse you to Hell. You are evil and a bane to existence. Your Creation is a major disappointment. You make people crazy. Your loser kid was a fairy. Your pathetic Believers are shit-bags. And your feet smell."
Now, according to the Buy-bull, I should be smote (smited?) for cursing God.
No smiting=No God.
We win.
Logic fail: Not being able to disprove the existence of something does not mean it exists by default. This is a tri-state postulate: 1) there definitely is a god, 2) there definitely is not a god, and 3) we don't know because there's no conclusive way to test the postulate.
"and her name is Eris and you can't prove that it isn't."
Mmmm. Michelle Pfeiffer. *pant, pant, pant*
*pauses, then looks directly at the camera and adds...*
Well, I do know she's a goddess; were it not for those damn antedeluvian social restraints providing even our modern, supposedly enlightened world with its obsession with monogamy, I'd gladly spend my days worshipping her as such.
*wolfish grin*
Here is proof that God exists.
There. Your reality-flow has changed. More happy? :)
Read this as often as you like. I am never out of light.
Wonderful! Now which god shall we invent today? What shall we call him/her/it and what powers shall we give it?
What punishments shall be inflicted upon the unbeliever?
Man cannot make a worm, but he has created almost 3000 gods to date - all "one-true", all "all-powerful" and all a load of bullshit.
Prove that Thor, Zeus, and I didn't win the six man tag match against the Holy Trinity. You can't prove that so We win, BTW we were wrasslin naked
Now, see, here is a case of blind faith. Blind faith is a terrible form of psychosis, which also ties in to herd mentality. This can lead to violence (Crusades), rape (look up some LGBT sites for some records of so-called Christian lynchings) and other such criminal practices.
The reason I'm saying so much about this is quite simple: you have a terrible mindset. I heard somewhere that atheists don't believe in your god the same way you don't believe in other gods. Prove that they don't exist. Uh oh! Paradox. That's a shame.
OK, you win.
What do you win?
Except for the impossibility of proving a negative.
You have made the assertion that He exists. It is your job to show evidence of it, which is logically easier to gather than evidence that He does not. After all, how does one showcase non-miracles? Prove non-interventions? One can't, and it is therefore incumbent upon the other side to showcase their "miracles" and "interventions".
If I needed to prove the exostence of a God, I wouldn't need the likes of you as he'd be able to spread his own 'Good Word' by himself .
As a comedian once said (emphasis added): 'If God is the most powerful being in the universe, why does he need a bunch of bozos to do his P.R.? '
If there's any 'proving' to do, he can fucking well do it himself ; you fundies are completely irrelevant in the whole scheme of things. So he can poof a univers, world & all the life on it, yet his 'omnipotence' stops at actually appearing to us - and no, not 'Jesus', God himself - in hard, solid, physical form, and proving he is what he says he is to our satisfaction (in my case, doing whatever I say in perpetuity)? Then one can come to the only possible conclusion:
God doesn't exist. Q.E. and D., bitches.
He has all the opportunities in the world to prove me wrong , here & now . After all...:
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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