“There is no Hell, if God doesn't care about justice, and is therefore morally repugnant.”
Hell is not justice, Ray. Whatever amount of sin can be performed on Earth, it’s not just to never, ever, ever, ever end the torture for those sins.
Christ came to Earth to offer second chances, forgiveness, mercy, but there’s none of that for anyone in Hell, either staff OR guest.
"There is no Hell, if Jesus deceived His followers by continually lying about its existence.”
What if Hell is a parable? A metaphor for disappointing God? He’d really rather that you got into paradise on his terms, but maybe someone omnibenevolent would hold Mercy to be more important than meaningless endless revenge? It just doesn’t serve society to tell you that even Hitler is in Heaven.
"There is no Hell, if the Bible isn't to be trusted, because many times it warns of its existence.”
This would be the bible that talks about satyrs and unicorns?
The bible that always describes Earth as a flat Earth?
The bible that tells us the sky is solid as a metal mirror?
The bible that says someone was paid in currency named after a king that hadn’t been born yet?
Not a really compelling objection, Bananaboy.
"There is no Hell, for those who repent and trust alone in Jesus for their eternal salvation.”
And you just cannot handle a world where you’re not special in that way, huh?