Holy crap... just figured it out... the O.J Simpson murder was nothing but a false flag
Everything surrounding the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman was nothing more than a false flag, on a small scale. It was a setup to take heat off the L.A.P.D during a time when racism was skyrocketing after the Rodney King beating and shit.
LAPD was defeated, they needed a way to show people they weren't racist and they let O.J Simpson, with him being high-profiled and all, be the one to defeat the LAPD in this fake murder.
The OJ Simpson murder shit was false flag before we even knew what false flag even was. It's written all over the place, review all the facts... it's a complete fucking mess, no organization, nobody had a clue how to make it believable on either side... it was false flag in its infancy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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