David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

“Dance Moms” is one of the most evil television programs ever aired. Little girls are taught to parade themselves as sluts, even told that the audience should view them as being “nude.” Stupid mothers encourage their daughters to partake of the lewd and sinful behavior, gyrating their little bodies in sexy attire, trying to “turn on” the viewer. Perverts!!! Our sick-minded society accepts the lewd exploitation of our youth by ungodly Walt Disney, Hollywood and the media, while vehemently condemning sexual crimes against children. Ladies and gentlemen, that is insane!!! I triple-dog dare you to go search YouTube for “Walt Disney perversion”!!! I dare you to type, “sexual exploitation of children by media.” Prepare to be shocked!!! ...

Leviticus 19:29, “Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.”

Tragically, most cheerleaders are dressed sinfully and regularly perform sexually-suggestive dances while cheerleading. Although seemingly harmless to most people (because of the hardness of sin), it is such indecent practices as immodest cheerleading that corrupts society's morals and leads to more sexual crimes. Evil always begets more evil. Television doesn't make people go commit adultery. it is adulterous producers, who make adulterous movies to inspire adulterous people, to commit adultery. Hollywood stirs unholy passions in people's souls, inspiring them to sin. Likewise, dancing can do the same thing. Touching the opposite sex often leads to adultery.



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