who is forcing who to live by their beliefs?
oh yeah ..that'll be the homosexuals
If by "beliefs" you mean "tolerance and equality," then the homosexual lobby is a contributing entity to that "forcing" you speak of -- but even it isn't solely responsible. Most of that "force" is called social maturity, and it is present in the majority of people when they understand a situation fully and their better natures are given a chance to act. That's why civil rights have gradually been gained for women and blacks, and properly equivalent social rights are gradually becoming acceptable for gays as well.
The only thing being "forced" on you, bit by bit, is a gradual elimination of the oppression you have gotten away with forcing on others for far, far too long.
~David D.G.
Yeah, all those gays going around, trying to force you to be gay, too. They just don't stop! Yesterday, some lesbian in the street punched me in the face and told me to make out with her!
Turn around and bend over, Les . . .
Oh, but that would be OK, since you are a guy and (I assume) Lesley is a woman.
Gotta blame it on teh ghey, don't you?
Also, telling people that they can't get birth control, that they have to tolerate your bullshit where it doesn't belong, and that they are evil isn't forcing your beliefs on someone?
King James was gay.
The irony ...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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