[Someone pointed to the fundie that he has been quoted here, so he decides to come and explain himself.]
Dear Readers, What this shows is that the Theory of Evolution is an incomplete, untrue, false assumption. Humans were made on the first Earth, which was totally destroyed in the Flood. Adam was the first living being made for he was formed of the dust of the ground on the 3rd Day, in another world, which was totally destroyed in the Flood.
The False ToE is limited to this incomplete view of men who study only our world. They know nothing of Adam's world, and that throws their calculations off in every direction. When you tell them, they call you names and imply that you are Nuts.
The entire story of this argument is told in ll Peter 3:3-7 The Scoffers (Evols) will be "willingly ignorant" that the first Earth was totally destroyed in the Flood, and that our world will be burned.
The argument will be in the latter days, before the destruction of our world.
In Love,
This rant may be a mangled version of Gap Theory , which explains contradictions between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 as two separate creations. Granted, the flood account follows Genesis 2 and by implication happened in the second creation, and the survivors of the Flood were Noah and his family not the second Adam and Eve, but who needs linear ordering when trying to make sense of the Bible?
Humans were made on the first Earth, which was totally destroyed in the Flood.
I assume you have evidence for this? I also assume that you're not going to point to the Bible for your evidence as it flatly contradicts the garbage you just spewed...
So, your complaint is that the ToE is an "incomplete, untrue, false assumption" yet your reading a few lines of ancient text proves to you that creation by God is a complete, true, and true assumption? You're right, but only in that the biblical creation stories are a complete assumption.
" When you tell them, they call you names and imply that you are Nuts. "
I won't imply a thing. You're fucking insane and make batshit look somewhat sane.
the first Earth was totally destroyed in the Flood, and that our world will be burned.
Ok, that proves it: God is love.
Aman, please retake basic English before trying to enter the world of scientific proofs written in English. Write your proof in the language you're most comfortable in.
Now then. What you're saying is a categorical lie. The Theory of Evolution is incomplete, but that does not preclude the validity of the theory. The current scientific understanding of evolution has been observed and proven in peer reviewed studies with reproducible results. Ergo, it is in fact true (unless some other mechanism can describe the results). The Theory of Evolution is not an assumption, assumptions are made in science to simplify calculations and are pointed out and given reasons. The theory of Evolution does not use such assumptions in the main part of the literature (I imagine there are studies that use assumptions, but in order to make it past peer review they would have to give good reason to make them).
Before entering the world of scientific proofs, I would suggest learning the language of science, because several words have widely different meanings in a scientific context than in other circumstances (in this case theory, assumption, and incomplete. Though I suspect that you're merely saying incomplete in a straw grasping exercise).
@FMitchell: An easier explanation is that the original Hebrew of Genesis 1:1-2 is more like "During the beginning, while God was creating the heavens and earth, while the world was a shapeless void". He was working with the primordial chaos that he had recently removed from Rahab's (the Hebrew equivalent of the likes of Abzu and Ym) power by killing him. The writers of the original apparently left the bit about Rahab out because they were trying to distance themselves from the violence of the Enuma Elish, where the heavens were created by Ea killing Abzu and reshaping his corpse, and the earth was created by Marduk or Enlil killing Tiamat and reshaping her corpse. The idea of existence being innately violent left a bad taste in their mouths.
Of course, this was apparently during the Babylonian Exile; pre-Exile Hebrews (at least, ones who were around for the earlier encroachments of Assyria & Co.; given we have no archaeological evidence for the conquests from Josue and Judges, those stories were probably the equivalent of a cat fluffing out its fur and hissing at a trespasser) would likely have sneered at that attitude as hopelessly naive.
"...they call you names and imply that you are Nuts."
Son, no implication about it; you are stone cold Nuts.
you have no fucking clue about what the bible says or what science says.
so according to you, the earth was remade after the flood? wow where does he do it at? there is nothing in the bible about god remaking the earth.
wow you need to read the bible over again, the bible says the earth was created only once.
you are nuts though, the bible itself doesn't reflect anything like what you believe.
I think you're getting the Bible confused with the Halo expanded universe.
Modern humans were created on a Forerunner world which was destroyed by the Flood. I think. TBH, the backstory went nuts once Bungie handed it off to 343i.
>> When you tell them, they call you names and imply that you are Nuts. <<
I don't imply you're nuts, Aman, I come right and tell you to your lying face, you are nuts. Fucking batshit whacko barking mad insane. No "implication".
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