nope, and im currently in medical school and i have a ton of anatomy classes and am learning about all the systems of the body and cells and stuff like that....after that class no ONE can tell me theres no GOD!!
Really? Your spelling and grammar seem to be more on par with with a third grader, rather than a med student.
there is no way that evelution made every single cell to do every thing as perfectly and precise as our bodies do.
Evolution follows the "if it works well, it stays" though nothing is precise or perfect. If our eyes where perfect, we wouldn't have that blind spot like cephalopods.
There are many parts that could have been improved. Like making the prostate be in a different area where if it enlarges, it doesn't squeeze on the urethra for men. You would know how imperfect the body is if you took even one med school class and this is coming from someone who hasn't even started med school yet.
there has to be a God. If you need someone to give you a reason??? the bible.
Circular logic.
OH!! and another thing....there was a study done a while ago where scientist found out that EVERY SINGLE human being has ONE gene in common...even from way back then...even from way back then....
I'm not surprised. We likely share many genes with each other, since after all any fertile female or male human could reproduce with a fertile human of the opposite sex and likely produce an offspring.
they also found that that gene is not found in any animals...hmmmm???
Makes sense, since our genes are what makes us humans.
guess we didnt come from monkeys. (or watever evelutionists say we come from) also,
You mean a common ancestor? S/he was not a monkey, rather they where a common ancestor that was a primate. Also if you look back far enough you'll find that we share a common ancestor with every animal, we even share one with plants if you look even further enough.
if evelution was true, wats the chance that only one monkey changed into a human being..wouldnt they still be evolving into us today?
Evolution doesn't work that way.
On a side note, your spelling and grammar is equal to that of a high schooler. I doubt that you'd were admitted to med school.