Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Is CERN a matter furnace, to generate gold and silver?

There is something that bothers me, about Biblical prophecy, and why gold and silver are in free fall. The only way gold and silver could become worthless(it still has value as "pretty shiny objects", and silver has value as an anesthetic), is if the market was flooded with so much gold and silver, they became common elements.

The only way that could happen, is either via asteroid mining, or via a matter furnace.

A Matter Furnace, recreates the intense heat of the big bang/star's internal dynamo, to create ever increasing, complex elements. It could explain, all the doom hype, to take peoples attention away, form the obvious implications, of what they are doing. If they are recreating the big bang, or temperatures as hot, or hotter than, our Star, there is going to be a process of which, elements will be generated/forged, into higher ordering of elements. Could explain, why the mega one is in Switzerland.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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