Anonymous Coward #racist
God Hasn't Made White People Since The Wurm.
The reality is that the entire earth is so warm that the depigmentation that created the demelaninated Caucasoid can no longer even take place no matter where you are on the planet.
The Wurm Glaciation has long receded so it is kinda ridiculous to ask why Blacks don't go back to Africa. Whites cannot go back to the ice age so the process of re melaninization is reoccurring and there is nothing Whites can do about it.
By trying to tamper with the weather to stop it Whites have actually heated the planet and accelerated it.
By being in love with Whiteness Whites are in love with a physical state that is outdated and not only not useful but is actually unhealthy and dangerous.
You will not be able to be White again until you get trapped again in another Wurm for a few thousand years away from direct sunlight.
In the mean time "Whites" will be re melaninized for your own survival of suffer the ill effects like Cancer and genetic brittleness.
By fighting Blackness you are fighting Nature by fighting Nature you are fighting God. The enemy of God is the Devil.
America has conditioned Caucasians to be in love with an unnatural physical state and look upon it with pride.
The Jews have manipulated this "Pride" to create a false image of White Supremacy in order to keep Whites focused on hating Blacks and not on the Jews themselves