Christian #fundie
Why you can Believe in Jesus Christ - Backed up with REAL Facts.
Reality - The Way things actually are, NOT the way you think them or want them to be.
Most people today go through life believing in a World that
is made up of many big lies, this results in them making bad decisions.
This work will attempt to prove what is actual and real using both Logic and verifiable evidence to establish Facts from Fictions.
Fact #1: The God of Christianity is Real
1A) Creation of Life in all it's complexity, dependencies and interactive relationships witness to a God who Designed
the Material Elements in Precise amounts with a specific environment that allows life to exist.
1B) Preserved History, Only the Jewish people and Christianity have a preserved history that explains the Universe, Creation, Man, Animals, Plants and the relationship God has with his creation. This History is preserved in the Authorized King James Bible, and Earlier translations and manuscripts that agree with each other and validate ONE cohesive, unified Book of Books called the Bible.
1C) Prophesy fulfilled validates the credibility of God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost that witness to the Power of God to know the Future and witness to His past deeds and future actions that people may have faith and believe in Him. Unfulfilled Prophesy remain to give faith to those
who yet live and witness their coming to pass, to help them believe.
1D) Miracles, God by himself and in answer to his peoples prayers has shown his ability to do things that only a REAL Living God could do.
Two main things made those who wished to Rule over man Jealous, His actions and Who he claimed to be.
Jesus performed many miracles and forgave sins made against God.
and who Jesus Claimed to be (the Only Begotton Son of God)
*** John3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ***
1E) Persecution of both Christians and the Real Word of God by Cults. There are Three main types of Cults that mount these attacks.
E1)Those who claim to be Christian but are NOT. They follow False Doctrines that are supported only by taking specific scriptures out of context and Never comparing them with the rest of scripture.
*** Acts17:10-11 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. ***
Often these cults will use New Age Bibles full of alterations, missing words and added notes that create doubt in the credibility of Scripture. Sometimes this type of Cult will even include Books and Publications that claim Godly Authority with New Doctrines that put members under the Authority of Men and the Anti-Christ while trying to make them feel special, important, set apart from the rest of the world.
The REAL Word of God is found in the King James Bible and is supported by Earlier Translations and Manuscripts that are vast in number and overwhelming in
their agreement to each other. New Age Bibles that have been "translated" after the King James Bible are significantly different from the King James Bible and
Each other. The Copyright of modern New Age Bibles requires them to be different!
Promoters and Defenders of New Age Bibles Have Attacked the King James Bible as being to hard to understand, Authorized by an immoral king, and being defended by Christians who are not Educated enough. To these attacks I answer with the following.
Study of the Word leads to understanding, Judas betrayed Jesus allowing him to be sacrificed for the Sin of the World saving all who believe in him. God uses believers
to do his will, even if they have not been to Schools and suffered Indoctrinated into the Truth this world want's them to believe.
E2)Those who Worship Fake Gods such as Deamons (Fallen Angels like Satan) or Idols.
Those who submit themselves to Deamons or Men who rule over them may be given Signs(not Miracles) , Praise and Privilege to make them believe they are receiving Power as a result of their blind Obedience to Deamons or Men.
Their Blind Devotion to these Deamons and Men lack the following.
1)A credible historical record that Explains the Creation of Life and all things.
2)The chronological explanation of the world they live in and the Relationship between God and Man that goes back to the Beginning.
3)Prophecy validating the power of God to know and tell of the Future in detail.
4)Miracles, things done by God that no man could ever do.
E3)Those who worship Science, the Cult of Disbelief called Atheism
The Religion of Science uses made up facts to support doctrines that match the beliefs of Atheists, making it convenient to allow or justify Sin.
Theories Taught as Law to promote their Lawlessness include:
1) The Big Bang - All Stars and matter exploding from a singularity some REALLY long time ago.
2) Evolution - Life taking over Billions of Years to happen as an accident.
3) Fornication - Humans are just another Animal, therefore anything goes.
4) Dinosaurs - Destroyed by a Meteor Millions of Years Ago.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
You can lead a unbeliever to the Truth, but you can't make them think.