Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Seriously demented!

Did you seriously expect Germany and China to go along
with your FASCIST NEO-CON World Order? Pleeaase!

Your biggest problem is not any other country in the world
but only your OWN country.

Your second biggest problem is that your are so distracted
by FAKE news, that you haven't got the foggiest clue what
actually is "actually" going on.

Let's take your insideous TRADE WAR against German companies
disguised as "a new round of sanctions against Russia" that
every idiot can see through, and your pathetic idea to
force Europe to buy US liquified gas about 3 times more
expensive than russian gas while you lack the
INFRASTRUCTURE to even transport the needed amount of gas
across the ocean for the next 10 years.

Let's take your "4billion-D" chess champions' total inability
to comprehend ME "reality", now Quatar pivoted towards
Russia by making a BRILLIANT Gas Swap deal, 'Europe for
Asia' ( I don't expect you to even know anything about
it), while Saudi Arabia finally and utterly disillusioned
prepares to sell oil to China in YUAN, duh!

Let's take your moronic policy of surrounding Russia with
NATO bases while the only isolated and contained country
is actually the United States of America.

Oh you don't believe it yet? The US is the only G7 nation
that is NOT a member of the AIIB, and the only nation
that doesn't send proper delegations to the
'One Belt - One Road' innitiatives, programs and conferences.

Did ANYONE stop you from joining? NOPE! IT's your own
government under Obama and now under Trump that are
ISOLATING the USA from the world.

And while most of the world was hoping the USA would return to play fair according to INTERNATIONAL LAW
all you do is ranting this one dumb phrase:

USA, USA, USA ABOVE ALL.. where did we hear that before?

You're so not ready to even notice who is conducting
a coup d'etat taking place right under your noses..

but one thing for sure.. it ain't Germany or China,




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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