cherieblosum #sexist

Dystopian Trans Future (feel free to contribute)

What will happen in the future, once "transwomen" are fully recognized as women?

-They will take scholarships and programs spaces away from women, because of course their struggle to identify with femininity is more oppressive than anything a woman experienced

-They will take political office spaces away from women

-They will take jobs away from women. Why hire a biological woman, who might get pregnant and reduce efficiency, when you can hire a "woman", fill in that diversity quota, and get more efficient labor?

-Men will finally be convinced that "neovaginas are better than real vaginas." Due to all the plastic surgery to make "transwomen" look like porn stars (huge boobs, facial reconstruction, injections, perfect levels of estrogen), men will find "transwomen" more attractive as well, because they fit the stereotype of what a woman is supposed to look like. They have the added bonus of understanding what it was like to be a man too, so men will choose to have relationships with them instead of real women.

-Real women, out of jobs and out of relationships, will now be left to do one thing - being paid to reproduce. Men in relationship with transwomen will come to women and pay them to be surrogates (whether "artificial" or "natural" - basically, a prostitute that you impregnate)

Once again, men will find themselves in power, and finally find a way to push women back to what they think is their biological purpose - to reduce and to serve men.

What do you think will happen in a dystopian trans future?



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