I emailed our local weatherman in Detroit, Paul Gross, to call him out on his 1984 Newspeak terms in his overly wordy (almost entirely) inaccurate forecasts. Brought up chemtrails and he assured me that he and other meteorologists had met in Europe several times (to which I expressed how unimpressed I was with that info) to discuss chemtrails and have concluded they are not real. They are simply contrails.
I replied that there is so much propaganda pouring out of the TV it is hard to determine what is real and what is created. Said that chemtrails are the one thing that I can verify with my own eyes and his ridiculous explanation just made him look, well ridiculous. I left him with: If you claim the white lines that spread, drip, and eventually block the sun out are simply contrails from planes, why is it that some days the sky does remain perfectly blue. Have the planes stopped flying?
Has anyone heard of a term called Urban Heat Island? Sure, been around since they made it up for their forecasts. Supposed to indicate that the urban area is warmer than the outlying suburbs. Wow - these people in media are just so hip!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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