jake #racist godlikeproductions.com
To CNN I formally and Officially Apologize for anything negative I have ever said about You! I honestly didn't know what you were up to.
Your calling all cops racist black Killers has caused cops to stop proactive policing and has caused a increase of 1800 more black people killing each other in just 2 years!
I have to admit I really thought you were against white people and I have to admit you are smarter than all of us!
For a National News show to be able to get 1800 more black people to kill each other, is just astonishing!
I thank you so so much, You are doing what the KKK could have never gotten away with..
I will officially start watching your show again!
Once again Thank you and keep up the great work.
Maybe you can get the riots even bigger and they will all kill each other!