According to 2263 abortions have happened in the US so far today. I guess they do the other 2000 between now and midnight, then...
[Edit. Sorry, a bit of "I am the center of the world" bias was going on then. Now, about three hours later it's 2640 abortion. When is "today" over in the US? It has several time zones, doesn't it? According to the FSTDT clock, it's now be somewhere after 3 PM, most regular hospital wards probably close in about two hours, and then only emergency abortions will happen, right? (Over here it's now 20 past 9 pm.)]
Embryos and fetuses before week 16, when almost all abortion happens (almost all that happens after this point are emergency abortion, to save the woman's life; if the woman dies, so does the fetus, btw), don't have a nervous system, or just a rudimentary one towards the end of this period. They don't have the ability to experience anything, including how they are treated. Women, as in female people over the age of, say, 16, DO have nervous systems and functioning brains, and they DO experience how they are treated by others. HOW can this be so hard to understand?
Kids being diddled by adults also experience how they are treated, you disgusting kiddyfiddler. YOU're the hypocrite, asshole! Don't you dare speak about sick and twisted... well, anything!
Treating thinking, feeling human beings with decency and respect is OK.
Not having children when you can't take care of them, or you might die from the pregnancy is OK.
Kiddydiddlers are NOT OK.
YOU also require women to cover-up with clothes, and yes, you are also inferior.
Allah is just as false as your god, as they are one and the same.
Guam ought to expel this sorry excuse for a "human being" to Gaza, Syria or Nigeria.
Edit 2. Or rather Addendum.
Why skip from abortion to homosexuality? Homosexuals have much, much fewer abortions than heterosexuals and bisexuals.
Be quiet in men's matters? What are those? Urinals? Prostate exams? Circle jerks? Sure, I'll be quiet in those matters...