David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Americans murder (abort) over 4,000 of their own children every single day, but then we condemn Muslim cultures for the way they treat women. What hypocrites! Our sick and twisted way of thinking in America is Satanic! It's ok to murder a child in the womb? Homosexuality is ok? Same-sex marriage is ok? Indecent magazines and videos are ok? We're sick in America. We Americans can murder, lust, fornicate, commit perversion, lie, divorce and covet; but then we demonize and look down on Arabs as an inferior culture because their women are required to cover-up with clothes, be quiet in men's matters and smutty television is banned. We're very spiritually sick in America. Our television is sexually perverse, which offends most Arab cultures. They're far more moral than we are. I love Arab people. I despise Allah, a false god; but I love the descendants of Abraham's son, Ishmael, the firstborn.



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