I also notice when driving by our public school grounds and sports fields another phenomenon taking place: the young girls are trained in sports right along with the boys. To me, this can only be degrading to the boys. In some cases, girls regularly participate on boys' sports teams, and therefore compete against the boys themselves. During the past decade, more and more girls participated in wrestling; since there were no girls' wrestling teams, they joined the boys' teams and competed against the boys. I read about one school where the boys refused to wrestle the girls and forfeited their matches; there could be no greater embarrassment to them than to lose to a girl, not to mention it likely violated their sense of masculine chivalry. So not only is female sports participation degrading the feminine nature of women, in many cases it degrades the developing masculinity in boys.
Well, if losing to a girl is so embarrassing... don't lose. If you can win fair and square, you deserve to win, and if she can win fair and square, she deserves to win. Nothing degrades athletes more than having to stack the deck to achieve victory.
Ha, all the sports i played in until I was 10 were mixed including rugby and even then it just made me tackle them more enthustically....
As for the school you "read" about could anyone provide me with an article confirming this?
Honestly, if you're so worried about getting owned by a girl, don't play the game. For all your attempts at manliness, it reveals a lot when you cry in a corner because you might have to compete with a girl.
"there could be no greater embarrassment to them than to lose to a girl"
an unending stream of my lifes embarrassing events are flashing before my eyes none of them are less embarrassing than having a girl beat me at wrestling and pin me to the ground.
Only misogynists have issues with women being fully capable of doing anything within range of the human spectrum of abilities.
Mainly because acknowledging that women are capable of achieving anything a man can achieve (or possibly doing it better), requires viewing women as human in the first place.
Madonna isn't my favorite person in the world, but I think she hit the nail on the head with that song about what it feels like for a girl. You know, the one that made the point that girls can try to act like guys, but for guys to seem at all like girls is degrading?
But for you, Scotty, even the possibility of having your manhood assaulted by even seeming to be "less than" a girl is just as hilarious as it is disturbing. One wonders how small your penis is...
Sounds like you're aware that girls are better than boys, and are trying to cover it up. After all, if boys are better than girls, the girls would never win and it wouldn't be an issue, no?
You know, in Greece they enforced strict gender roles and men never let women anywhere near athletic events.
Can you guess why, Scott? And no, not just because "sports weren't for women..."
To me, this can only be degrading to the boys.
Right. Boys want to continue to believe girls are inferior and therefore can't afford to expose themselves to situations in which that assumption might be proven false.
"Masculine chivalry?" More like 'pathetic ego that has a twisted view of masculinity.' How is it degrading to boys or girls to be competing against the opposite gender? If anything, it might make boys more competitive and therefore perform better. I know that a girls' basketball team got more competitive when they began competing against a boys' team, so I don't doubt that the opposite can hold true.
And to refuse to compete simply because of the gender of the opposition does not demonstrate them to be 'men,' it demonstrates that they are spineless pansies. Billie Jean won that tennis match. Get over it.
Females playing sports teaches girls that their bodies can be strong as well as beautiful, rather than being decorations and then incubators.
As for girls wrestling with guys, I'm sure that if it happened in my state, more guys and girls would want to play sports.
Scott Jonas is the best customer at the failbakery.
Well, I lost an armwrestle against a girl once, clarinet player, much stronger than she looked. I can't really say I'm all that embarrased over that though, does that mean it's as bad as it gets? Awesome.
losing to a girl is not a bad thing. nothing is embarrassing about being beaten fair and square.
i'll repeat this: nothing is embarrassing about being beaten fair and square by someone.
i don't see why sports are segregated by gender. the only classification of sports should be by ability levels in that sport. this is a personal thing to me. and was the book you read called 'there's a girl in my hammerlock?' because that's fiction, it's a good book, and the boys that the girl wrestles are all super-masculine boys-are-tougher-then-girls type people. some of them change by the end of the book.
"there could be no greater embarrassment to them than to lose to a girl, not to mention it likely violated their sense of masculine chivalry..."
Any guy who feels that way is a complete wuss.
Boys can suck it up, if they aren't secure enough in their masculinity to play against a girl and possibly lose they can sit out. I knew a guy who got mad at me for being better a defense in sports than he was and it didn’t stop me from trying. Most of the other guys I know love it when a girl is actually willing to try in a sport and know how to act dignified if and when they lose.
there could be no greater embarrassment to them than to lose to a girl,
Nah, being a complete pussy is way more embarrasing.
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