atheists dont visit temples as they believe God is present there.
Well, I do avoid the church regularly.
Because it is on my way home and I can't walk through it so I walk around it.
Impressive, no?
Boy are you stupid, and a liar! Most of my atheist friends go to churches and temples for concerts, weddings, and funerals. Since they don't believe in God, to them it's just another large meeting hall for certain functions.
Listen carefully now: We are atheists because we don't believe any God exists any fucking where.
Is that too hard for even a fundy with the brains of a bucket of horse spit to understand? Seemingly, it is.
Umm, lets pretend for a minute that an atheist believes that the God exists (as the way i think Malika believes it). God is supposed to be present all the time and everywhere, so the only way an atheist could avoid God like described here, is to do his-/herself off.
So, i think a big "NO-NO-NO"", is in order.
I won't go to a church wedding or funeral, not because I'm afraid of your God but because I'm one of those Atheists who will not take ANY orders from Priests and my refusal to get up get down, bow my head etc would be disruptive.
While I begrudgingly accept the authority of police, goverment or ticket-booth personel I want priests to know they have no official or superficial authority over anyone
Atheists don't believe gawd exists, let alone lives anywhere. We don't go to temples, churches, meeting halls, mosques, for the same reason snakes don't go to Foot Locker- there's nothing there we need.
*gasp!* you're right! that's th only possible explaination for why I dont go to church!
my core belief in science, logic and reason is breaking away before my eyes!!!
I cant dispute that. oh well, better just stop thinking and let a man in the sky teach me 2000 year old moral lessons, cos' he must know better than me
by the way, that last paragraph was in massive sarcasm quotes
Well, I don't visit "temples" (I assume you meant churches) mainly because facepalm situations like this happen there regularly:
I'm not joking, the last time I visited a church service, nearly exactly this happened.
I of course visit churches when there is NO service just going on. Especially in Europe, the old churches are a treasury of architectural and cultural wonders. But visit a church service? Strange idea...
I often visit churches, especially old ones, as they have a lot of cultural history built into them. It's fascinating how much work people put in building churches.
Gods present? Nah, don't believe in any gods, why would I believe they are present there?
Well I've been to Churches, Cathedrals, The Vatican, Mosques, Synagogues, Buddhist Shrines, Shinto temples, Henges, Kingdom Halls, Sacred Groves, Holy rocks You name it really. Did I believe that a god/godess/diety/spirit/whatever was present in any of them ?
Did I fuck.
atheist ACTUALLY dont visit temples because visiting temples is pointless if you have no faith.
and according to your religion god is omnipresent, so any effect a church would have on our unholy selves would be felt everywhere, not just in a temple
I don't beleive in god but I have been known to visit many chirches and cathedrals. Many of them are very beautiful.
Just a shame their beauty is the result of the lying clergy duping their flocks into paying for the gold wallpaper.
“atheists dont visit temples”
I don’t usually visit churches, temples, cathedrals, cemeteries, mausoleums, prisons, professional sports arenas, or slaughterhouses. No real interest in them.
“as they believe God is present there.”
Uh… No. I believe BLEEVERS are in temples and churches, and avoid them whenever possible. Do you not know what ‘atheist’ means, dumbass?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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