JayFarquharson #conspiracy dailykos.com

But the Old Colonial Powers wanted to game the UNSC to keep hundreds of millions of people enslaved,

And because of "Freedom!" We pitched in to help, the Slavers,

And since then, the UNSC has been pretty much broken.

Idiot American Mythology Geeks keep bringing up Rwanda, with out a clue,

The sad reality is, the only members of the UNSC that return the GA's calls, even when it is politically inconvenient, are Russia and China.

That "Global 9/11" is like the US 9/11,

A great way of getting your neighbours shot, tased, tortured or raped.

For the ROW, the us has become the Ferguson PD, but the row is dark skinned, and it's night, and all the cell phone footage in the world, won't bring the Cop's victim back to life.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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