Blacks are like little children who must be constantly supervised lest they get wild and out of control. This explains, in part, why a strong police presence must turn out whenever any public event involving large crowds of Blacks occurs. Even then, the event frequently results in a shooting or some kind of riot or mayhem. And when it does happen, most people are not surprised by it once they learn it involved a large group of Blacks. In contrast, such scenarios rarely occurs when groups of Whites or Asians gather. This is because Whites and Asians have a higher order of culture, less impulsive, more disciplined and obviously more intelligent.
To think that people today still maintain all the races are equal and that there is no significant differences between them, reveals how deeply they have been duped by multi-culturalism. There is an entire mass of Whites who will ignore common sense and what is so obvious before their own eyes in order to maintain the lie that 'We're all equal; we're all the same.'
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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