David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Romans 13:1 in the King James Bible (KJB) teaches to submit to the “higher powers,” not the “governing authorities” as the New International Version (NIV) perversion says. The U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution) are a higher power than the U.S. federal government. And for that matter, God is the highest power (Ecclesiastes 5:8). The federal government has already recruited 26,000 pastors to join Clergy Response Teams to quell any national uprising. Do you know why? It's because a Police State is rising up around us, and our economy is going to implode!
Let me ask you a question: How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? It's impossible! WTC Building # 7 imploded and fell to the ground in 6.5 seconds. No fire caused that! In fact, the lying newsmedia reported that the building had fallen 20-minutes before it even fell. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.
Most of the evidence is solid concrete; not mere circumstantial evidence. Look at the facts. Architects and structural engineers from around the world have stated that it is impossible for two skyscrapers to simply crumble to the ground from a plane crash and fire. Think about it. Has any fire ever caused a skyscraper to lean or crumble even a little bit?
Furthermore, www.wtc7.net shows actual news footage of Trade Tower Building # 7 (WTC 7) imploding to the ground as well on the afternoon of 911. No plane ever struck WTC 7!!! The building was blown to the ground with explosives according to the owner of the building. Why was this building destroyed?
The investigations into 911 have been blocked repeatedly by the office of the President and top leaders working under him. The Bin Laden family has strong business ties with the Bush family spanning back decades. Firefighters at the scene on 911 have signed sworn affidavits that they heard multiple explosions going off at the time the buildings started to fall. Top Pentagon officials and leaders were warned the day before not to fly on 911. Israeli and French intelligence sources had warned the U.S. government prior to 911 that an attack would occur, but no one listened.
Many families and friends of the victims on 911 believe the government masterminded and carried out 911, some loved ones have even sued the president and his administration. Other victim's families have been paid generously to remain silent.
Folks, there is A LOT to all this. I haven't even got to the drugs in Afghanistan. Our troops are being exploited as paid heroine (opium) farmers. The Russian government has appealed to NATO for destruction of the opium crops in Afghanistan, because of the massive heroine-addict problems in Russia today. NATO refused. Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's heroine supply.
You really need to learn about all these different things before you can start to form a big picture of what is really going on. The U.S. had troops already situated on the Afghan border before 911 even happened. Our military was already in place and ready to invade Afghanistan. Afghanistan produces a half-trillion dollars (heroine value) of opium every year. While children are starving of malnutrition in Afghanistan today, the U.S. government protects hundreds-of-billions of dollars in heroin producing opium. Like everything else, follow the money. It's so wicked in the sight of God.