Jonathan Brentner #fundie #wingnut

(Regarding the drone strike upon Qasem Soleimani)

I could not escape the thought that the rapture is the wildcard in all of this. My current focus is thus not on a devastating world war or a disastrous attack on the United States, but rather on Jesus’ appearing to take His church back to heaven (John 14:2-3).

No other event could so instantly take away the United States’ ability to defend itself in the Middle East or anywhere else. No other event could so suddenly remove the United States’ ability to defend Israel, which would leave her open to the massive attack described in Ezekiel 38-39.

I say these things in part because I know that many in our military are men and women of faith. Their sudden disappearance would leave our forces in great disarray. Many leaders in our government would also be suddenly missing from the scene, which would further complicate our response to an attack upon Israel.

In addition, I cannot imagine the quick crippling impact the rapture would have upon the economy of the United States, which would also greatly limit our ability to respond militarily to any crisis.

“Are we really that close to the rapture?” you might ask. Yes, absolutely! Please know I am not making any predictions as to the timing of the rapture, but recent events in the Middle East should act as wakeup call for the church: the Lord’s appearing could very well take place very, very soon.



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