allen schronce #fundie

...I haven't came across anything to discredit christianity, and I'm convinced any HONEST skeptic that tries to disprove christianity will end up becoming a believer.


Really can any of you point out any flaws in the teachings or life of Jesus? I can with just about ANY other religion or religion's founder. At one point I tried to dismiss Jesus the same way, but it just can't be done.


Virtually any OT criticism you come across is something taken out of context, or just flat out distorted. The only one I've ever came across that holds any water are the passages telling them to wipe out their enemies even the women & children. And to be honest those do bother me. But you know if God exists he gave those people life in the first place. He has the right & the power to take it back.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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