Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
[From a sermon where Hoyle is lecturing women about their property status and speaking of his parenting style for his own girls.]
That's why I wanted them to spoil their dad. I never much care if they win any beauty contests. Your main job in training a girl is not to help her be happy when she grows up. Your main job is to train her to know how to make a man happy when she grows up. Then, and only then, will she be completely happy and fulfilled.
You say, "Brother Hyles, how can I do it?"
The best way is by example. Young ladies, have you a child in the nursery now or one in the Beginner or Primary Department? The best way to train those little girls to be a help meet one day is for you to be that right now.
[Sorry if this is a repost.]