Evolutionists are science communists. They rule over science and have tricked the public at large, including judges, that science can only be done the way they say it can be done.
A: Get out of the 1960s. "Commie" really doesn't have the same impact any more.
B: How, pray tell, would you suggest science be done, then? I'd as a scientist but apparently they're pinko commie science tyrants.
Why is it that so many of you fundies think there is some mass conspiracy, worldwide, to trick people into believing scientific theories? Nations are at war, but somehow they've all managed to convince all scientists to tell the same lies?
Just a bit extreme, don't you think?
You know what? He's right, in a somewhat brain-damaged manner.
What do peer-reviewed journals do? Sharing knowledge among all involved, that is, knowledge communism.
This being said, let's turn the tables on the poor sap: "They rule over belief and have tricked the public at large, including judges, that faith can only be done the way they say it can be done." T, FTFY.
On the contrary- "si-yunts" can be done any way you want to-
You are free to use Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and Grimm's Fairy Tales as your reference material.
And, coolest of all- you can use a Fisher-Price microscope to verify your findings.
Just don't expect to be taken seriously.
Scientists don't have some big board sitting up there telling them all what to say and do. Actually, they're very competitive, and would be more than happy to overturn some orthodox theory if they could. That's how Nobel prizes are won. They believe in evolution because they have been convinced by actual evidence that they actually understand, and are likewise convinced that creationists in the US are motivated not by reality, but by a desire to see their religion pushed onto others.
Mmmmmmmm, half truths and accusations...
There's this thing called the scientific method, you see, and it gives the general format for the discovery of knowlege by which said knowledge can be verified as true or disproven, at which point you modify your idea and try again.
Wasn't it cool when Einstein tricked the public into believing that matter can be converted into energy, or when Galileo tricked everyone into thinking the earth went around the sun, or how about when Newton fooled everyone on that whole gravity thing. Not like religion which is honest and incorruptible.
Science commies? You mean science for the proletariat? Blue collar science of the people! Science for all! Well... yeah. It's not just for people in blindingly white coats. Science belongs to us all. But like almost everything else, it has certain rules which must be followed or it's no longer science.
You don't drive wrong way on a street then off the side of a bridge. That's not driving.
Science is the same way. You don't assume, look in your fantasy novel then say you have an answer. You observe evidence from the world. You come up with ideas to explain what you observed and then you test them. Science -- it's for everyone*!
*if you have half a brain.
Communists? Those people who launched Sputnik?
I couldn't dislike commie regimes more, but you have to admit, 'science commie' doesn't quite have that negative ring to it that this fundie seems to believe.
They rule over science and have tricked the public at large, including judges, that science can only be done the way they say it can be done.
Scientists and their reason, logic, and scientific method. Bigots.
No trickery involved, just cold hard facts.
The law (when it's working properly ) also works with facts.
And Those in the Evolutionary fields (mostly bioligists) are only part of, and have no effect on most of the fields that make up science.
I swear I've heard that description before, something to do with "relig..." something.
And another word springs to mind, one begining with "hypocri..."
And the communist remark that's so 1950's
Yeah, all the trouble is because of these modern day whippersnappers, commies, and beatniks with their duck-tail flattop haircuts, hoop skirts, showing ankles - ANKLES! , f'rchrissakes, it's of the devil, I tells ya. First it was jitterbugging, then the nigras with the Boojie-Woojie. What next, rock and roll? Oh, the Charleston wasn't promiscuous enough for them , oh no!
Why can't we all just go back to the third century, when our righteous leaders were inventing Jesus?
OK, do science your way. You will still be judged on how well you document your results and will still need to produce the evidence, and you'll still have to have your results checked in another laboratory.
The ball is in your court.
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