Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Jade Helm preparation for false flag, and ensuing massive draft of all males 18-65

they ain't looking to round you up for concentration camps fools, something even better.

you will get to go murder other white people in Eastern Europe for the jews, well you will do that or be killed.

Most of you are so evil and stupid you will probably do it with minimal coaxing and seduction and stupid lies.

All they gotta do is tell you Russia is Satan and hates baby Jesus you will probably volunteer.

Tell the homos Russia hates queers they are all on board.

Tell the women Russia makes women mop floors.

same old shit, lying fags and jews and their concentration camp guards will keep you all in line.

Americans had lots of guns during Vietnam war, they never shot anyone trying to come carry their children off to war cuz they thought it was glorious to be drafted into a stupid war and go kill people for freedom though.

how many parents of children protested, why was it only young people protesting? cuz they thought they wouldn't get drafted, lol.

not the case this time, you old fucks gotta go too. You're gonna be a burden in a few years, social security baggage.



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