The worst atrocities in history have been non-religioous in nature, and so prolific that the human mind wipes them from memory. Then endless tribal feudes of african tribes. The sensless deaths that occur in the millions every year from non-religions.
"The worst atrocities in history have been non-religioous in nature..."
You mean like a Neopagan Nazi Germany, the Islamic Terrorists of 9/11, a half dozen or so Christian Crusades, the 30 Years War, Salem Witch Trials, etc?
The tribal feuds? I consider them paltry when compared to the horrific events surrounding the 'witch children' in Africa being tortured and killed by the hands of their own parents because religion has poisoned these people into thinking their own offspring are the devil. Show me something more sinister than a mother pouring boiling oil over her two year old's head, slashing him up with a knife and leaving him to die and feeling righteous in doing so because it was in the name of Jesus and then get back to me you stupid fuck.
...and so prolific that the human mind wipes them from memory.
Which means you don't remember any, but your sphincter bellows forth on the subject anyway.
You're right.
Atrocities have always gone against the basic tenets of their respective religions, but people commit them, anyway, in the name of their religion.
Amazing, no?
The worst atrocities in history have been non-religioous in nature...
You mean like the French Wars of Religion--Catholics v Huguenot? It lasted 36 years and the death toll is estimated somewhere between 2 million and 4 million.
Maybe you mean Biblical history. Between Exodus 32 and II Chronicles 28, there are approximately 1,283,000 mass killings specifically listed by the Bible.
You must be referring to the slave trade, which was endorsed and supported by the Christian church. Gathering and shipping the slaves involved an overall mortality rate (among the slaves) of 75%-80%--the best estimate is around 17,267,000 deaths between 1451-1870. prolific that the human mind wipes them from memory.
So true. Why, just the other day I was reading about the Atheist Inquisition...oh, hang on--the Inquisition was church-based, church-funded, and church-approved, wasn't it?
"The worst atrocities in history have been non-religioous in nature"
The Inquisition, the Holocaust, September 11th, 1993 WTC bombing, the Crusades, Easter pogroms, witch hunts/burning, the Mumbai attacks, the Bali bombing, the 7/7 bombings, the Madrid train bombing, the Birmingham Church bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Iraq War (remember, God told him to...), the al-Anfal campaign, the IRA, the Shankill Butchers, and the Death Angels are all religious atrocities. Not only that but the so-called "secular" atrocities were all committed by people who deified themselves and created personality cults and incorporated pseudoscience into society. Stalin had his own personality cult, he forced Lysenko's anti-Mendellian agriculture into Soviet life which caused mass starvation such as the Holodomor (Ukrainian famine) and it was illegal to question his "science." Kim Jong Il states he was born on a mountaintop under a double rainbow while birds sang in human tongues. Yeah, secular.....
Speaking of wiping things from memory, you fundies do that a lot.
You added the authority of an imaginary invisible man to your battles with other tribes, so you do the primitive african tribes one better.
Well, according to you fundie-tards, Christianity isn't a religion, so I guess, by your own argument, you're right.
Mmm yeah atheist atrocities are so bad they automatically cause amnesia, causing us only to remember those atrocities committed by the religious. Yeah sure. After reading this, I think I'VE become infected with rage as well.
Yeah, it's totally not like the Fourth Crusade was - oh, wait.
Well, the wars of conquest by the Caliphate were - uh . . .
The Spanish Inquisition was totally not - damn.
Well, Stalin wasn't religious.
People killed by non-religion? WTF?
"The worst atrocities in history have been non-religioous in nature" Mostly true, actually. Most of the worst dictators (Stalin, Ranavalona I, Caligula, Commodus) and the worst nations (Assyrians and Spartans especially stand out) weren't religiously motivated. The only religiously motivated thing that compares is the Aztec Empire's reign of terror. The Crusades, Inquisition, modern Saudi Arabia, etc. are minor by comparison. There is no power on earth today one half as brutal as the Aztecs or Assyrians.
I don't get why the Inquisition is always held up -- it was comparatively tiny, and irrelevant to most people's lives even in the worst areas. It would be much better to mention the Catholic/Protestant wars in 16th-18th century Europe, though those frankly were as much over the absolutist vs. limited monarchy as over religion.
Look at Iraq. Tens of thousands killed and maimed, millions of lives destroyed or torn apart for absolutely no good reason at all. Gosh darn those non-religions [sic, and hilarious BTW] secularists G.W.Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld! Oh, wait.
Caligula either thought himself to be a god or all the gods. Therefore, offenses against him were offenses against His Divine Majesty.
Commodus also thought himself to be the God (demigod?) Hercules. So... yeah.
Ranavalona I was viruently anti-Christian.
Stalin just seemed to kill anyone who looked at him funny.
"The worst atrocities in history have been non-religioous in nature,"
Yeah. Like the flood that drowned mankind.
" and so prolific that the human mind wipes them from memory."
Inquisition. You obviously forgot it.
" Then endless tribal feudes of african tribes. The sensless deaths that occur in the millions every year from non-religions."
- 9/11
- AIDS-deaths in Africa due to the Pope working against use of condoms
- And not to forget the Billions that didn't die but are still suffering from a mind disease that was declared a feature.
You mean like the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Witch hunts, the Thirty Year's War, the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide, the Balkan conflicts, the Northern Ireland conflict, the hundreds of thousands of women who die every year in unsafe pregnancies and abortions, etc...?
A lot of those African tribes are/were squabbling over religion as well.
Most wars and conflict are about power, but the powerful often use religion (or person cults) to entice the masses to follow them. Pol Pot and Mao both nurtured and promoted a person cult around themselves of religious fervor.
I was walking back from an atheist Auto-de-Fe, that I don't remember going to, when I thought, "Where is that smell of burning flesh coming from ?".
When I got home, I turned on the TV to watch the news and see where the latest offensive of the Steady Statist forces had got to in their never ending conflict with the Expansionists but it turned out that both sides had forgotten to turn up.
You must remember that ? Don't you ?
Shows that havock89 is right then doesn't it ?
You murdering bastards would say anything to exonerate yourselves, wouldn't you? First you claim you were just following orders, then you claim the victims deserved it... now you're claiming it wasn't you at all?! How stupid do you think we are? Next you'll be telling us it was the one-armed man!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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