I think something the Alt-Right is failing with is letting the Antifas monopolize the Autocaust. And when I say the "Autocaust" I mean Heather Heyers death.
While Heather was certainly in the wrong with her actions on that day, being on the Antifa side in a protest, she was still a European-American woman who lost her life. The European-American community still lost a young white woman essentially to leftist brainwashing and she could have turned her life around if the leftist oppressors weren't in power.
It wasn't a Jewish-American or African-American who died, it was a European-American woman.
Also, imagine the horror and rage Antifa would react with if we started rolling as if we were the victims of the Autocaust, and the attention it would generate by the confused and horrified rage.
You're going to sell that how? A Nazi killed a white woman, so white people are now targets of Nazis, and this makes the Nazis the victims? You've got the "confused" part down, just not for the reasons you think.
The "Autocaust" sounds like some sort of mass-destruction of cars or a demolition derby....or a (very poorly-thought-out) name for any show who's ads start with a guy bellowing "SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!...." and involve a monstertruck named "Bigfoot".
Also; Has it ever occurred to these guys that white ally hasn't been brainwashed by the Mystery Hebrew Cabal 3000 but....on her own volition....sees people of different colors/ethnicities/sexualities/etc. as regular people?
To hear these boogers talk; You'd think that women were happy with playing second-fiddle to men, blacks were happy being slaves, brown-skinned cultures were happy with their white colonial oppressors, etc. before the mysterious Jewish bogeyman did some sorcery and forced them to think differently....Rather than being a bunch of people who were sick with being Mr. Mighty-Whitey's personal chew-toy.
Also; It's common sense....Few want to live under a restrictive regime. Humans tend to prefer freedom and self-determination.
The fact that few want to live under Fascists is alien to these guys.
Another apologist for Heather Heyer's murder. Poor woman shuffled off this mortal coil a year ago, now, and you vultures are still circling. Yes, Autocaust is appropriate, considering she was murdered by an automobile, vehicular homicide.
Nazi punks, you can still fk off!
Let's suppose an Antifa member drove a car into a crowd of neo-Nazis, injuring many and killing one woman.
It would be quite reasonable to say something like "While Eva was certainly in the wrong with her actions on that day, being on the Nazi side in a protest, she was still a woman who lost her life. The world still lost a young woman essentially to Nazi brainwashing and she could have turned her life around."
But even with several changes made, that still doesn't quite fit. MarquisDePaid's movement was male-dominated by about 10 to 1 to start with, and now that they've driven most of the remaining women out by screaming "White women are sluts!" the odds that a woman would have been killed in such a crime are minute.
Ugh. Nazis are delusional, and we really should have a way of getting them into mandatory psychotherapy when they're obviously a danger.
Also, this festering boil's username makes his lack of education all the more apparent. "DeSade" rhymes with "God", not "paid," you pseudointellectual grease stain.
I think something the Alt-Right is failing with is
The rally saw extremely low turnout, with only 20 to 30 of Kessler's supporters marching and thousands of counter-demonstrators amid a heavy police presence. The rally was widely described as a "pathetic failure" and "embarrassing."
Kessler initially said that there were eight "confirmed" speakers set to speak at the event, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, but some of these speakers said that they would not attend . Amid a fracturing of the "alt-right" movement, a number of far-right individuals and groups who participated in the first Unite the Right rally, including Richard Spencer, the League of the South, Christopher Cantwell, Andrew Anglin, and militia groups indicated that they would not attend the anniversary rally, having distanced themselves from Kessler, who holds "pariah status among his fellow racists. "
One murder creating division . And unity: amongst those who oppose you.
Was it a member of Antifa driving that car a year ago, o Alt-Shitists...?
Ya know, Moose; I shoulda mentioned that.
The beauty of really-bad people is that they're so sure of themselves, so full of hubris and have so little empathy that they tend to do themselves in.
They also don't realize that Planet Earth has seen this, before. We know the tricks of the Evil Overlord trade....what worked for the original Nazis wont work so hot, today. We now understand the stuff concerning psychology, propaganda, language, framing, etc. You'll pretty much only suck in folks with a pre-existing bigoted bias or young edgelords who want to bug their parents. A good chuck of the NeoFash youngsters will probably snap out of their "Evil Preppie With Stupid Hair & Tiki Torch/Goon who looks like a big pink thumb" stupor and wonder to themselves "Why couldn't I have just take up skateboarding or something, instead?".
Finally; The cat's outta the bag and people see that Progressivism and non-authoritarianism works (seeing all those Nordic countries). Women and non-whites have proven to be just as competent and finally....
All the world over, so easy to see
People everywhere just wanna be free
Listen, please listen, that's the way it should be
Peace in the valley, people got to be free
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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