david j.stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
There is no law which requires a wife to obey her lawful husband, and so our society is filled with delinquent mothers without a man in the home because of divorce. Many women are becoming lesbians because they cannot relate to men anymore. Feminism has lobotomized them. All across the U.S. millions of young women in their early 20's with multiple children are looking for a husband. American women have become cantankerous nowadays, belligerent, difficult to live with because of feminist indoctrination which makes them oversensitive, intolerant and ultra-paranoid concerning their “rights.” The U.S. military is turning society's little girls into killers on the battlefield. It's a shame. Meanwhile America is dying for a lack of godly mothers and fathers. Public schools teach children their ABC's and 123's so they can work in a factory the rest of their life. A college degree means nothing these days if you expect to get a decent paying job with it. Whereas only 4% of people had a university degree in 1900, about 70% of people have college degrees in 2013... so what's the use of having a college degree if everybody has one? They are becoming worthless!