An infinite Heaven perfectly negates any amount of bad experiences on Earth. God is not unfair.
My dad died a little over a year ago. Two months ago my mom called me with massive chest pains and I called 911 for her. Yesterday my mom was Baker Acted due to clinical depression and a desire to harm herself.
Heaven had better God-damned-well be stuffed with vindaloos, pompadoms, jelly babies, my old dogs Snoopy and Moose, my first cat Puddy, and every single lost or missing Doctor Who episode--including The Feast of Steven . Otherwise you and Jehovah can take a running jump.
2008-Jul-10 06:56 AM
Just one of many things wrong with religion. It teaches people to accept their shitty lot in life because when they die everything will be ok, rather than encouraging them to actively do soemthing about it.
And therefore also results in the dangerous behavior of many fundamentalists we see now, who give a shit about environmentalism because they believe that, as soon as all of their natural resources are used up and the ecosystem is a total mess, either god will come down to earth to clean up the mess or all of them (god fearing fundamentalists) will go to heaven via rapture.
Tell that to the people in Sodom and Gomorrah (Nuked for not being HOSPITABLE enough). Or anyone on Earth pre-Flood that WASN'T evil. The philosophy of "Oh, there's one too many bad-apples, KILL EM ALL" is pretty unfair.
So if I kick you in the balls, and then give you $50, I am being fair?
I'd kick him in the balls and take $50. That's his fine for being a moron.
In other words: Know your place, bitch! Shit ain't gonna get better here so you might as well live with it until you die and go to heaven.
Response: Ede stercem meum et morere!
Feel free to correct my latin...
If only the Saved go to heaven, and the rest of us burn in hell fire, how is that fair? God/Jesus is supposed to love all God's creatures. But these deluded morons accept and admit that he doesn't: he only loves those who love him. The rest he hates.
He doesn't exist, obviously, but if he did he'd be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder along with many other mental health conditions.
Conversely, an infinite hell is disproportionate to any and all misdeeds.
Invoking infinity makes nonsense out of a great many things - ask any mathematician.
Why would you want to waste the life your god gave you on this earth? He put you here for a reason, didn't he? At least that's how religion came to be as people pondered meaning and had no answers and were unwilling to accept life without answers.
So, anyway, your god put you here for a reason, yet you won't do anything to improve your life and will wallow and celebrate your bad experiences, all because god has an even better life waiting for you when this one is done?
Religion. Fucking up humanity for thousands of years.
I don't know whether you have to be a loser to believe that, or if believing that makes you a loser.
If I were a cruel slaveowner, I would tell them I'll reward them completely after they die.
Yeah, you see, the infinite God of the universe can only make one place good if He makes another one crappy. This is known as God's Zero-Sum Law, which even He can't violate. A complete description of the law is found in the Authorized Pull-It-Out-Of-Your-Ass Version of the Bible.
God, on the of chance He/She/It exists, isn't being particularly fair, as He/She/It's allowing no hard evidence whatsoever of His/Her/Its existence to come to light.
Not sure why I went with the politically correct pronoun form there.
If I stab you with a screwdriver, it doesn't matter if I give you $5, $100 or $10 million. I've still stabbed you with a screwdriver. If I'm so freaking good, wise and powerful, why did I stab you to start with and expect you to like it and thank me for it?
Allegory for Jesus:
"And an infinite Hell perfectly negates Heaven. God is still unfair."
No need to worry, my friend. When you go to heaven, God will brainwash your soul, so you can't remember that your loved ones are in hell. Ignorance is bliss!
That's how Rapture Ready puts it.
A little girl here recently (21 months old) got out of her parents' house while her grandmother was watching her (she thought she got the door shut well enough after letting the dog out, but was wrong) and drowned in a small pond in their yard. 21 months old. Where was your God then? And why did that sick bastard not save that little girl?
They had a picture with the story in the newspaper after it happened. The picture was of her mother, touching the pretty, tiny dress her daughter was to be buried in while it was hanging up waiting for its trip to the funeral parlor.
And people wonder why I don't believe in the Christian version of God. Shit like this is why. Any loving God would not have let it happen, let alone leave that poor mom to grieve over her dead little girl. If you didn't think more of yourself than everyone else you'd see that. Sick bastard.
So just bow your head, don't make any waves, be a good little wage slave and you'll get into heaven.
It's them uppity unionists and civil rights supporters that are going to hell. The bible clearly states that the rich are made that way by God, and it's only by his holy will that they're allowed to screw you over for every last penny. They're doing you a favour by blocking universal healthcare. If you can't afford healthcare you get to see Jesus sooner. YEEEAAAHHHHH!!!
I think I'd rather be a hell bound anarchist.
@anonymous_troy, it's more like kick him in the balls, and if he doesn't cuss at you, kick him again. If he still holds his tongue, MAYBE you'll give him $50.
And an infinite hell is more punishment than even a Hitler or Pol Pot deserves, never mind the average Joe who dindn't "get saved", so yes, God is unfair.
By your own logic, an infinite Hell far supercedes any reasonable, rational or just punishment for even the worst conceivable, finite offenses on Earth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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