Evolutionists view mankind (humanity) as having evolved biologically from the same life source as the animal, plant and insect kingdom. Therefore they don't consider it improper, sinful, nor even questionable to create new cross-species monsters in a lab.
We're not talking about interbreeding horses with zebras within the same species. We're talking about combining spiders with goats in a lab at a genetic level. This is unthinkable! Only God in Heaven knows what type of hideous monstrosities are secretly being created right now in private companies and university labs around the world. The global elite own islands all around the world. The Island of Dr. Moreau is no longer science-fiction, but a horrifying reality!
Mad scientists are now creating human embryos for the sole purpose of harvesting organs for transplant. By genetically-modifying the embryo even 1%, the poor creature has no legal rights because they are not considered a human being anymore. Can you imagine? If an embryo is created by combining animal with human DNA, the creature is at the total mercy of cruel mad scientists who think they are God. What right does any geneticist have to tamper with life, let alone human life? God is the Giver of all life. Scientists can't really create life, all they can do is tamper with God's creation.
Granted, if you are dying of a failing liver or kidney, would you consent to the death of another human being to survive (to receive an organ transplant)? How about a wife or child? Would you consent to forced harvesting of a Chinese prisoner's organ to save your child's life. Most people would! What about an American prisoner? The organs of Chinese prisoners have been forcibly harvested since the technology became available.
So the reality of growing humans in private corporations for the purpose of harvesting organs is here. Can you imagine a big warehouse containing ten thousand animal-human embryos being grown in sealed compartments (99% human beings with no rights). They will be grown until age 4 or 5 likely to harvest their organs.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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