I joined an hour ago and within that hour, Ive heard atleast 10 topics bashing God, Christianity, the Bible and Everything that we stand for, that is the truth.
Youll all find out one day when Jesus comes back on the rapture and your Christian friends all ascend to heaven, while you burn in hell for being so stupid.
Fuck you. Christian Faith is a personal and True matter. Learn some manners.
YOU learn some manners. The polite way to say it is:
"I beg your pardon, but, please, Fuck you. Thank you very much."
And, of course, you should follow up with a hand-written note on nice stationery.
Christianity is a personal faith. Okay, I get it. But isnt it the same with nudity? People get to be nudist in their own house, in special nudist areas such as private clubs and beaches and no one will complain about it. But once they start walking around the naked everywhere people will start complaining. Don't the nudist deserve the ability to have their own private and personal way of life?
Yeah... what (s)he said.. "Jesus loves you so FUCK YOU"
I'm in a right mood today, boys.. I'm feeling particularly snippy toward fundies.
It's True! It's True! It's really truly true! Truly I say unto you, IT'S TRUE!
Bullshit. You've been hypnotized. Who are you trying to convince, your readers or yourself?
Don't believe everything people tell you, even if it's what you want to hear. You have trouble questioning authority figures don't you? Some of them are just manipulative assholes that have been handed a license to steal. Try licking a 9-volt battery. It might jump-start your brain.
Oh yeah. Pot Kettle Black Award.
I'm not an expert on the fruits of the spirit but I'm pretty peace, patience and kindness are in there somewhere.
Take your damn ritalin already.
"...while you burn in hell for being so stupid."
Stupid people go to hell now?
If stupidity has become a sin, I think that these fundies are first on the hit list.
Youll all find out one day when Jesus comes back on the rapture and your Christian friends all ascend to heaven...
Yeah... *yawn*... wake me when that actually happens. Until then, learn some manners and stop bothering people who want to have a discussion. Nobody cares if you don't agree.
With quotes that say that the end of times could happen at any time, without warning, I'm inclined to believe that it means one should treasure the time they have. Pity it had the opposite effect on these Cloud Watchers.
Let's make that at least eleven.
There is no god.
There is no heaven.
There is no hell.
Jesus is a myth for morons.
You are an idiot.
Now kill yourself and help raise the planet's average IQ.
Manners, manners, dear. Telling someone "Fuck you" is not manners.
As Christian Faith is personal, it shouldn't matter what anyone else said, as long as you are true in your heart. That is how it is for atheists and agnostics. We don't care what others believe in, we trust our conscience.
Didn't Jesus promise to come back about 1950 years ago? Seems he overslept, just a tad...
Sorry, I have no Christian Fundie friends. I won't notice when that rapture happens.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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