Tammy Duckworth has a sad record of not standing up for our veterans.
[Duckworth is a double amputee due to combat injuries in Iraq]
What the hell did Duckworth do?
"Bozek is referring to a lawsuit filed against Duckworth nearly a decade ago by two employees of an Illinois veterans home. The plaintiffs allege Duckworth treated them unfairly while she led the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs, a claim Duckworth denies. The suit has been dismissed twice in so far in court, but a new trial is reportedly scheduled for early April."
Ah. So the Republicans are being tastless as ever.
Sadly, this isn't the first time. A few years ago, the Republicans ran triple amputee Max Cleland out of Congress with similar claims.
If you're a Democrat, you can't give up enough limbs to satisfy people. Not necessary if you're a Republican, though. Just claim that you support the troops and vote for the next war.
@Philbert McAdamia:
Welp. That's it. Thread's over. Last one out, get the lights please.
Seriously, the Republicans have finally sacrificed the last tiny bits of humanity they ever claimed to have. Took them a while, but I guess it doesn't hurt as much when you sell your soul a piece at a time.
@Kanna: no. If anything, they've become puffin-proud of their utter inhumanity. Every time one of the GOP goons says something reprehensible about women, or nonwhites, or rape, or the poor, the Twenty Seven Percenters come out of the woodwork to cheer them on.
Whatever horrifying thing they say today, don't worry--they'll top themselves in the near future.
Tammy Duckworth is an Iraq war veteran who lost both legs & suffered damage to her right arm while piloting a helicopter. She was the 1st female double amputee of the war.
This tweet was quickly deleted, almost as soon as it went up, but Republicans are slow learners & have yet to figure out that when something goes up, it stays up, somewhere. Normally I would think that this little joke would cost them big time, especially with vets, but after this election cycle, it's obvious that there is no low they won't sink to.
There are no words to describe what that party has degenerated into.
@ creativerealms
"Her", not "him".
The GOPers are being pond-scum as usual. Are these guys even aware of how stupid they sound?
You have these guys badmouthing a brave vet who sacrificed a LOT (her limbs, especially).
You have guys saying stuff about rape and rape victims and being legitimately stunned that people call them out on it.
You have other incredibly asinine statements that tend to destroy their careers!
What sort of people are these? Do they come from a Bizarro dimension where these statements are normal and non-controversial?
Concerning Todd Akin's dumb rape comment that ruined his career. Did he honestly BELIEVE that what he said was NORMAL?!
How can you explain something like that? Psychopathy can only explain so much. Even a psychopath can have intelligence and common sense!
"Yeah! I'll say something so stupid and offensive that I destroy my career!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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