Soldier for Salvation #fundie

Evolutionists, what is your answer for how the mammoths got frozen in place?

Here is an explanation from a REAL scientist.

An ice meteor came flying through space and crashed into Earth. Due to the Earth's magnetic field, all of the ice fell and gathered on the poles (top and bottom). Also, the mammoths were instantly frozen in place. Also, the remnants flew out into space and created the polar caps of Mars and the icy rings of Saturn (what's your explanation for how those got there?).

If the mammoths got frozen in place, which they did, it couldn't have happened gradually. They would have decomposed. But they got frozen practically in place and instantly. This raises suspicion.

[posted later...]

This is from Kent Hovind. I can't find an actual web site, but you can read about it on Wikipeidia.



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