JenJen #conspiracy

Could Hercolubus, The Red Planet be what Jade Helm is for?

Yes, this is just a theory, but we are not going to war with any country anytime soon. Saber Rattling is what is going on, but nothing will come of it.

I was shown by an Angel of the Lord a couple of months ago, of a Red Planet sitting between the Moon and the Earth. The Angel took me in a Vision up high into the sky, and pointed very sternly at the Red Planet.

Experts are now saying that Hercolubus does exist, and will pass by Earth sometime between 2014-2015.

As Hercolubus comes closer to Earth, we will see more INTENSE Earthquakes and Volcano Eruptions and many other signs.

Now, this is just a theory on why Jade Helm is prepping, I might be right, I might be wrong. We will just have to wait and see.



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