The DISCOVERY channel has produced a show titled, “Who Did You Really Marry?” Other shows attempt to take the viewer into the mind of a serial-killer or rapist. Other programs question who the neighbor is next door to you, or can you really trust your local church minister? Such shows are intended to plant seeds of doubt, distrust and paranoia throughout American society. It's not difficult to see what is happening in America, that is, the evil powers behind the New World Order want to destroy America in every way possible. A house divided cannot stand. America is divided on everything, from politics to moral issues. Television has led U.S. society to be paranoid and distrustful of everyone, even their spouse and family. People are unknowingly being mind-programmed.
Gun rights are being hotly debated right now in the U.S., but the Globalists will get their way eventually, it's just a matter of time. Americans will be disarmed. The Globalists are evil beyond imagination, murdering tens-of-millions of people (by wars they start and finance) just to fill their coffers with more money and power. The mainstream newsmedia is their primary weapon, having incredible power over the souls of men. I always watch the news objectively, that is, looking for their angle, the deceit in their reporting, and I usually find it right away since I have researched the New World Order for a decade. Everything has to be politically correct these days, feeding the immoral agendas of the sick-minded elite. It's quite easy for the globalists to accomplish their destructive goals, by simply promoting and sponsoring anyone and everything that's destructive to our faith in God and our loyalty to parents, marriage, family and nation.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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