[A image with the background of the back of an American dollar bill with the caption: "Ask your church pastor about the New World Order... If he says its a conspiracy theory you'd better find a new church"]
Oh it's not a conspiracy theory, it's a dumbfuck excuse to blame someone, ANYONE, for the machinations of their billionaire overlords and church leaders.
Always some mythical unfathomable something to be scared of, never mind the bitches that are feeding you this crap.
"Exposing the Lies" advocates raw-diet veganism, anti-vaxxerism, anti-Semitism, withdrawal from political participation, and links to "jesus is savior." I hope Mueller has a subpoena for "Exposing the Lies." It's like a recipe for a weak, confused population.
Actually... the site Exposing the Lies is part of the New World Order!! I know it because they say Jesus is not a religion and that churches that are of this world are not true churches. Thus those churches should be taxed which means Exposing the Lies wants the government to get more money!! Thus the New World Order would be well funded! Don't believe me? Wait til Halloween on Friday the 13th in Smarch!!! I promise you will see it all! It will make absolutely (((no))) sense at all and this was just as much bullshit as the OP.
But yeah I won't be attending church
Depends what is meant by 'New World Order'. Whatever's on the back of the dollar bill and whatever George H.W. Bush was on about, it wasn't a plot by a cabal of the secret rulers of the world to enslave the population. Because yes, that is a conspiracy theory. Especially when you consider that a key part of this belief is that the plot has been going for hundreds of years .
I can do one better: ask the head of our state religion, the Church of England:
...and as Queen Elizabeth II decides what appears on the currency which bears her image, you'd better find a new religion .
After all: Unless you want to find a new Bible , do you use the KJV ...?!
And as what's on the reverse of our new £10 note promotes reading - via Jane Austen - I guess Twilight Sparkle is part of the Illuminati, amirite?! /)^3^(\
"Priest, I would like to order a new world! I can't stand to live on the same earth as president Trump, alt-right idiots, incels and worsening ecological problems. Oh and add a few islands in the pacific to my order please!"
"the New World Order"
I'm sure that exists; in the world where Christopher Columbus *was* out to prove the Earth is round, where there *are* alligators living in sewers and the Great Wall of China *can* be seen from the moon.
In *our* world, however, it *is* a conspiracy theory.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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