Oh? And what does your anti-feminist mother - the dried-up & dessiccated old harpy Phyllis - think about this?:
Angela Merkel. Leader of the CDP: Christian Democrat Party. Chancellor of Germany. Her re-election is all but assured, considering the above.
Quite the paradox she represents, eh Andy? And in more ways than one.
"Getting desperate aren't we Andy?"
So desperate, he's forgotten about his distaste for proper Football (compared to his precious 'Handegg'), which he previously considered a Socialist sport, thus he's desperate in his doublethink too. No doubt he's clearly used this sporting example to divert away from the fact he's basically forgotten about the entry for the 2012 London Olympics. After all, remember this o Andy Schaftafly:
Especially this little nugget of pure FAIL:
'will one of the Greatest Conservative Sports Stars -- such as Novak Djokovic -- win the gold medal? Will Andy Murray of atheistic Britain underperform?'
(I reckon just the above alone was the cause for Andy to abandon that particular entry in Conservapoodia)
Then just a year later at Wimbledon...:
Suck it, Andy. No mention of your precious Timmy Tea-bowl these days, eh? So now reduced to using the German team to justify your BS. Continuing the football theme, you're like a fair number of Manchester United fans: 'Glory Hounds'.
Funny how that concept has worked out for such, post-Sir Alex Ferguson's retirement; it's all going Man City's way these days.
Just surprised you're not using the example of Chelsea FC, seeing as it's owned by a Russian; Vlad Putain's homophobia and all. Funny how that worked out for him: $51 billion down the drain with Sochi and all. [/Schadenfreude]
2012 London: £9 billion total (Sochi's rail link alone: $9.3 billion). 6 months ahead of schedule & £1 billion under budget. 65 medals total, 29 Gold (ten more than 2008 Beijing), including Andy Murray's Tennis Men's Singles.
The critics, cynics & naysayers, from the 2005 bid award, almost right up to the start of our Olympics; conspicuous by their absence from the opening ceremony onwards; even post-handover to 2016 Rio De Janeiro. The verdict of 2012 London? A case of 'Where did it all go right?!'
And this in the NHS from 1948 (same year of the previous London Olympics), homosexuality-legalising in 1967 & S-SM-legalising a year after the Olympics UK.
You couldn't FAIL more if you tried, Andy. Oh wait...!
Speaking of FAIL & being in that river in Egypt, a la Andy & his minority of inferior subhuman cuntservatives these days:
85% of Dutch people can't be wrong.
I can feel your right-wing butthurt. It makes me superior to you. [/Palpatine] >:D