David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Italy used to require a 3-year waiting period before a divorce could be granted. Now it's one year! I think it should be 3-years in America! It's not even one month. If I had my way, divorce would be illegal. A wife would be allowed to leave her abusive husband, but would NOT be allowed to remarry or else face imprisonment (nor would the husband be allowed to remarry, and would go to prison for fornication). I would make divorce so miserable that couples would work hard at making their marriages work, which is what people should be doing in the first place). You know, in the old days before the creation of a welfare state, women had no where to go if they had marriage problems. Although it was a yoke of wood and there was some abuse during those times, what is happening in America today is a yoke or iron (total enslavement) in comparison. There is no perfect marriage, none!



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