Mehitable Adams #conspiracy
As you probably know, if you've seen my posts, I'm very cynical about these "terror attacks". I think most of them are fake, in whole or part.
So, I've been hearing about this Nice truck event, and I have to say once again.....I THINK THIS IS FAKE.
I don't see how ONE TRUCK can kill at least 77 people and injure 50 more - that 127 people KILLED OR INJURED BY ONE TRUCK. I don't think that is physically possible. I don't see how it is.
So I've been watching this for a couple of hours on and off and I've seen several videos that basically show a truck driving down the street, but I don't see anyone getting hit. There don't even seem to be that many people. It's not like a crowd you would see on the Esplanade of Boston - hundreds or thousands of people deep. These are like people walking down the sidewalk. I don't see how a truck of that size could have the mobility to "zig zag" as they describe it to hit people on the left and right. As well, the driver was supposed to be shooting people although I haven't heard of anyone that was actually shot - although they are perhaps alleging that.
Then I see pics of people running and screaming - AND LAUGHING - I actually saw one video where at least a couple of people were running and LAUGHING - but no truck. They interviewed (on Fox) some American girl who was saying that she just saw people running but she head no explosives or loud noises so she had no idea what was going on, which is very odd considering that this truck event was happening nearby and then the police all started shooting out the windshield! I saw yet another video of people running and falling - for no reason - no truck near them - that looked like it was straight out of Cloverfield.
And then there are those CRACK French police who shot up the hell out of that windshield. If they were all there in the first place, why weren't they shooting at that truck as it was supposedly raging into the crowd? Looked like it kept going for quite a ways to kill or injure 127 people! Couldn't they have got a few shots in BEFORE THAT POINT or into the tires?
Also, looks like we have another LONE NUT!!!! Lee Harvey Renault, who not only wanted to plow down the streets of Nice but had a truck full of EXPLOSIVES AND GUNS!!!! Which he didn't really use, except for that one gun he was shooting - apparently out the driver's window - while he was mowing down Le Civilians! Alors!!!!
Why wouldn't our fearless driver be part of a terror cell that would take that enormous truck full of explosives and actually blow the damn thing up near some facility that might matter? And then start shooting up the land with his Jihadi Jean freres????? Why waste all this energy on mowing down some Citoyens????
Where are all the videos from the, no doubt, hundreds of cell phones in that area? Where's footage from the police or other surveillance in the area that actually SHOWS PEOPLE BEING MOWED DOWN???? YES, I WANT TO SEE THIS. I'm strong....I can TAKE it. SHOW ME. And show me those "dead" bodies - I'd like to see some pics that aren't PIXELLATED because all the pics I've seen that purport to show victims, ARE.
I just don't believe this folks, it doesn't pass the Mehitable smell test. If any of you have real videos that have not been shown endlessly on TV and that don't just show people running and screaming, please post them here. I'd like to be proven wrong FOR ONCE.