Guest #racist
This isn't what blacks really want. What blacks REALLY want....and MOST of the black AA scum in law, especially those that manage to infiltrate law schools (where this is now taught as standard doctrine in almost all law schools now) and judgeships, is to have some form of this for CRIME.
It's outrageous and insane but most people have no idea its going on because the media censors it but this is out in the open now, although purposefully distorted. When you hear anyone comment that blacks are disproportionately in jail, especially for violent crime, understand that they don't mean that a large number of innocent blacks end up in prison due to racism. No no no.....what they mean is that a large number of GUILTY blacks should not go to prison because it is not fair that so many more of them are in prison than whites. Only retarded blacks can't figure out that the reason for the arrests and punishment is guilt, not random. They literally don't understand guilt. A common saying is "I din' do nuffin....followed by sucking their gums".....meanwhile their dead victim is 2 feet from them and the whole thing is on video. They aren't lying. They don't understand morality, law, or that punishment is anything but arbitrary. Heck, they are raised like this....beaten and sodomized at random while bad behavior (and good) is completely ignored. They are taught and told, early and often that, whatever you can get away with or whomever you can get away with hurting is right.
It's the jews and handful of white liberals that support this that understand full well what is going on. THEIR goals is to hurt white people. There is not a single anti-death penalty advocate that doesn't have this goal as his real one. Not a single person who works on behalf of prisoners who doesn't keep this goal (to get vicious scum out of prison to kill, rape, and hurt white people) in the back of their head at all times.
White people have not acted appropriately to these things for a long long time. A good beginning would be to arrest everyone who wants race equal punishment in schools and give them 10 lashes with a cane....malay style.