Duke De Leon #fundie youtube.com

Ok, I'll agree. Not all Liberals love Socialism, UNLESS they are Liberal to a degree of wanting Communism and Dictatorship; which many Liberals do!! They love Islam, which is a "religion" made for Dictatorship, built on a foundation of authority, and is also very, very sexist. Which puzzles me as to why the feminists are on it.. Dictatorship thrives on power, and power thrives on underdogs; Liberals. They follow blindly like the little neo-nazis they are. Many Liberal funders, for example, are involved in child trafficking. Yet, the wealthy Democrats haven't stopped investing in... any. Why? It's not just because most of them don't know, or don't care; it's also because they simply don't have the money to do it. Democrats are pretty much broke, but of course, they'd never say that frankly.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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