Americans are idiots to keep sending billions of dollars in financial aid to struggling countries (all in the form of continuing federal debt mind you), who are deliberately kept in ruins by the same Council On Foreign Relations that professes to want to help the poor. It's all a big scam! The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is sold out to the New World Order agenda, i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist.
We are living in the last days, and are increasingly headed for a cashless society, a global police state, a one-world New Age religion, and the massive extinction of human life. Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as many others, are committed to the population elimination agenda. Don't believe it? Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, wants the world's population reduced by 85% to only one billion people. The rich are still having children, but are secretly sterilizing poor women to prevent them from ever having any children. Many sickos today see no harm in this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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