dr khalid #fundie ummah.com

The viewpoint of quran is very clear. according to the quran surah yasin ayah 40, the sun and the moon keep moving in their orbits. this makes clear that the sun moves too. this has been discovered i this century itself. A muslim's view of the quran should not be with reference to science rather the view of science should be in the light of quran. Thus if both move, its the relative motion of things that we observe fro the earth. in the universe, nothing is above, below, big or small. everything is relative. hence there is no wrong in saying if the sun moves around the earth or the other way round. Most important thing is that these petty things should not divert us from worrying about more important issues facing the religion and muslims.

in surah al anaam verse 97, allah says that the purpose of the stars is to help us find our path geographically. thus stars are not for wasting our time (we should not waste our time on the discussion of movement of the sun, which is also a star, on ummah forum)

the purspose of humans is defined in quran as to worship allah. so we should discuss more on issues related to that aspect."



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