["Violence and more death is certainly NOT the answer"]
There appears to be no answer. Protesting isn’t making it stop, shouting isn’t making it stop. No amount of attempting to bring attention to the issue is making it -better-. People of color are still being gunned down for little to no reason at all.
I honestly question why violence isn’t the answer. Certainly, targeting any and every cop is going to do nothing but hurt the situation, but growing more willing as a populace to step in and physically put a stop to it seems like it -could- be a viable option. Cops acting with impunity isn’t working, but ‘onlookers’ becoming aggressive when the dirty ones start bashing people’s faces or when they execute someone in the streets could send the correct message.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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