[On allegations that other religions have trinities of gods too]
Christianity didn't take this from the pagans. Demonic spirits introduced it to pagans.
Christians know this for sure, that satan is always trying to impersonate the true God. Why do you think he was cast down to the earth?
I don't know, Satan seems to do way more than God according to you. So either Satan's not a bad guy or, the more likely reason, you're the ones worshiping Satan and everyone else in the world who you disagree with is worshipping God.
Hmmm, your argument might have weight, but you seem to be oblivious about the fact that cristianity wasn't around since the beginning of time. Even your stupid book doesn't say 'and on the 6th day god made the christians'.
So, in a sense, your satan wrote all the bullshit that was copied in the bible, long before christians even had a bible to back their false theories.
Christianity came AFTER Judaism, because it grew out of it. Judaism did not have the trinitarian concept of God (still doesn't, as far as I know), but other beliefs did have trinitarian attitudes toward their deities -- noticeably ancient Egyptian, which has a veritable horde of deities, most of which that we know about are linked in threes. (Interestingly, it was also the first culture to experiment with monotheism, thanks to one particularly fanatical king.) But the idea that Christianity could influence "pagan" cultures retroactively is purest nonsense; it's like claiming that you inherited your musical talent from your grandchild!
~David D.G.
"Christianity didn't take this from the pagans. Demonic spirits introduced it to pagans"
I call bullsh*t! Over HALF the rituals and holidays that come along with Christianity were originally stolen or adapted/adopted from various pre-Christian pagan religions:
1. The Trinity: it's pagan counterpart is Maiden-Mother-Crone or Son-Warrior-Sage
2. The revering of Isis turned into the revering of Mary.
3.Turned Winter Solstice/Saturnalia/Yule into Christmas
4. Turned Ostara/Spring Equinox into Easter
5. Tried to change Halloween/Samhain by calling Nov. 1 All Saints Day......
etc, etc, etc,
Do I need to go on, or do you get it now?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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