Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
CERN + time + space + earth
The vacuum of space is filled with electrically charged plasma and currents of moving particles called electrons between planets, which is the natural state of the universe defined by Tesla.
Tesla had stated that he was in communication with entities from another realm and later on in his life with evil entities, which is how he developed his technologies. In the beginning, it was for the benefit of humanity, but near his later years developed weapon technologies. He stated that the ether is alive, aware, and sentient, and consciously aware. TESLA got the message from those he was in contact with that if you can discover the theory and applications of the numbers 3,6,9 then you could unlock the mysteries of the universe.
A plasma physicist during the 1950’s was researching with electrical plasma. He got scared to death and ceased all research. He stated that the plasma is alive, described it as demonic, and it wanted to enter our realm of existence to kill us, Alfred North Whitehead, a panpsychist, put forth his belief that all matter has some mind associated with it. Such that, as matter complexifies, so mind complexifies
In Mayan belief, a serpent rope emerges from the center of the galaxy, symbolized by an 8-rayed or 8-spoked wheel. Cosmic sap oozes from this world tree or cosmic cross
This cosmic sap that they are referring to from this world tree or cosmic cross, are the Strangelets, which are being produced at CERN, because Strangelets are also referred to as liquid quarks.
If you take a look at the ATLAS detector at CERN, you can see the similarities between the 8-spoked wheel/8-rayed and the detector.
According to researcher William Henry, the ancient Egyptian object named Ta-Wer aka “Osiris” device, was a stargate machine. It was capable of opening wormholes or dimensional openings used by Seth and Osiris to “travel across the underworld.”
Schrödinger's Cat:
A cat, along with a flask containing a poison and a radioactive source, is placed in a sealed box shielded against environmentally induced quantum decoherence. If an internal Geiger counter detects radiation, the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when we look in the box, we see the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead.
Basically, the cat, as long as it remains in the box without an observer, remains in a state that is both alive and dead at the same time. Once the box is opened, it is the observer that collapses 'probability' and creates the actual reality
when CERN goes full power, the Pope will be speaking at the UN on the same day