Vulture of the Month Award

Mack Major #fundie

This is an actual picture of the outside of that building where the deadly fire happened at in Oakland a few nights ago. Note what's painted on the wall outside the window. I talk about this in my ebook 'Hedonism: Destroying Demonic Sexual Strongholds.' I have a chapter in there that deals specifically with truth behind clubs, partying and festivals. Someone may ask 'Why are you using this tragedy to promote your ebook?' The simple answer is because it saves lives! Hate to say I told you so, but had those who were partying read my ebook, they most likely would not have been there in the first place; and perhaps would've saved their lives. Jesus binds all wounds: even the kind caused by tragic loss. I pray the wounds of the families who lost loved ones are healed by the Lord Himself during this dark time. And I hope the rest of you wise up to what's really going on out there - behind the scenes. The spirit world is very very real.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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